
Sunday, May 26, 2024

The Bronx Bomber of 2024

Donald Trump continues to defy the deep state and politicos.
His massive rally in The Bronx, draws working-class minorities in a city park. 
Catch all our shows at www.FreshBlack.Coffee
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  We record the show every Saturday and release it later the same day.
Jeff Davis commentary appears courtesy of

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Fake Eyelashes and Other Political Controversies

Congressional Cat fights and mindless meltdowns become a frequent part of political discourse.
Catch all our shows at www.FreshBlack.Coffee
Watch the video on our YouTube channel, Facebook, website, or with your podcasting app. 
  We record the show every Saturday and release it later the same day.
Jeff Davis commentary appears courtesy of

Saturday, May 11, 2024

The Election Meddlers


Can a local judge keep a politician from his campaign?  Donald Trump seems to be gaining in the election polls by showing up in court every session.
Can the Oklahoma Republican Party find a way to get along and grow the party?
Catch all our shows at www.FreshBlack.Coffee
Watch the video on our YouTube channel, Facebook, website, or with your podcasting app. 
  We record the show every Saturday and release it later the same day.
Jeff Davis commentary appears courtesy of

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Republicans In Free-For-All

If the Republicans can remember who their opponent is; maybe we will work together?
Trump continues his legal battles, but picks up more endorsements from deep-state refugees, Union workers, and Harlem patriots.
Ben Shapiro attacks & defames any conservative who doesn't share his Israeli-First priorities.
Nazi Soros (an actual Nazi from WW2) continues to fund pro-Hamas riots on college campuses.
Oklahoma politicians salivate over who can control the people of the state.
And so many other issues, including the NFL draft results.

Catch all our shows at www.FreshBlack.Coffee
Watch the video on our YouTube channel, Facebook, website, or with your podcasting app. 
  We record the show every Saturday and release it later the same day.
Jeff Davis commentary appears courtesy of

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Whose Border Do You Love More?

The USA is helping Israel, Ukraine, and all of Western Europe to live in secure borders. But the Biden administration is ignoring the US Border security, and even helping foreigners to break U.S. laws.
Plus, the nation is facing severe unrest in this election year.
And then there's so much more in the news, including Oklahoma headlining nation news stories.
Catch all our shows at www.FreshBlack.Coffee
Watch the video on our YouTube channel, Facebook, website, or with your podcasting app. 
  We record the show every Saturday and release it later the same day.
Jeff Davis commentary appears courtesy of
