
Saturday, September 24, 2022

Dissecting American Fascism

While the world struggles to remain free and the globalists strive to consolidate power to force conformity, Eddie & Dave break down some issues like the definition of fascism, the failures of communism, and how free speech is the battle line for all other freedoms.
We talk about the impact of the November election choices and how to push back against tyranny.
We enjoy a few light moments and Eddie tells the story of how his mother received presents from Adolph Hitler for her childhood birthdays and Christmases.

Catch all our shows at www.FreshBlack.Coffee
Watch the video on our YouTube channel, Facebook, website, or with your podcasting app. 
  We record the show every Saturday and release it later the same day.
Jeff Davis commentary appears courtesy of

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Simple Political Choices

Eddie & Dave return from a week of travel to assess the stark choices facing Oklahoma and the nation. 
Eddie recounts his part in history for higher education opportunities.
Dave calls on the Oklahoma tribal leaders to come clean about the dark money millions that are being launched against Gov. Stitt & secretary Walters.
And we discuss the stark warnings coming from Oklahoma's most trusted pollsters.

Catch all our shows at www.FreshBlack.Coffee
Watch the video on our YouTube channel, Facebook, website, or with your podcasting app. 
  We record the show every Saturday and release it later the same day.
Jeff Davis commentary appears courtesy of

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Oklahoma Education Reform with E'Lena Ashley

E'Lena Ashley talks Oklahoma public education and the struggles of the Tulsa Public School district.
E'Lena is the newest school board member and she's already bringing better accountability and reforms to the district.
Then David & Eddie talk about Joe Biden's "Reich Speech" at Philadelphia's historic Independence Hall.
Plenty more is included in this big Labor Day Weekend Special.

Catch all our shows at www.FreshBlack.Coffee
Watch the video on our YouTube channel, Facebook, website, or with your podcasting app. 
  We record the show every Saturday and release it later the same day.
Jeff Davis commentary appears courtesy of

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Socialism vs Oklahoma

The fate of the US is hanging in the balance and complacency could spell the doom of liberty in the next 10 weeks.
Eddie & Dave take stock of the 2022 elections November teams will look like.
Dave reports on the travesty of injustice done to Paul Tay by a false claim, coupled with a zealous prosecution team who persisted in locking up an innocent man for months after it became clear that he was framed.
Eddie gives a stern warning to conservatives about the urgency of the political condition.
We discuss the current folly of an 'article 5' Convention of States, and reveal the obvious scam of National Popular Vote.
Catch all our shows at www.FreshBlack.Coffee
Watch the video on our YouTube channel, Facebook, website, or with your podcasting app. 
  We record the show every Saturday and release it later the same day.
Jeff Davis commentary appears courtesy of

Saturday, August 13, 2022

The FBI Scandals & Solutions Show

Eddie & Dave explain how the 87,000 Armed IRS agents are worse than the rogue FBI.
Oklahoma election guide for August 23rd.
Eddie talks education and career strategies.
Eddie & Dave Detail the need to fundamentally dismantle and rebuild the functions of the FBI & Homeland Security.
How is a steady 8.5% inflation rate seen by Biden as a 0% inflation?
Eddie & Dave talk Netflix lessons learned, and what shows are worth watching.
Eddie and Dave call out Christian pastors and Deacons, about the political corruption and cultural decay.
Eddie Talks about the need for pray and praise. David explains the need to avoid those who spread fear.

Catch all our shows at www.FreshBlack.Coffee
Watch the video on our YouTube channel, Facebook, website, or with your podcasting app. 
  We record the show every Saturday and release it later the same day.
Jeff Davis commentary appears courtesy of