
Thursday, July 21, 2022

Inflation Politics & Global Gaffs

We conduct a mid-year review of Oklahoma, national, & global issues in 2022.
Oil issues get worse for Biden, as he grovels to world despots and shuns american producers.
Eddie reports on the widening demand for his book, and the increasing interviews he's doing. the book is in it's 2nd printing.
Tulsa's major public school system is finding problems with the Gist administration and two courageous women are blowing the whistle on financial accountability.
Eddie looks at Tulsan George Kaiser and his financial empire, along with his political and policy influences in the nation.
University of Pennsylvania declares a male swimmer to be their nominee for female of the year.
Inflation explodes and producers report an increase of over 11%. This will lead to double-digit consumer inflation in the near future.
And so much more..
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  We record the show every Saturday and release it later the same day.
Jeff Davis commentary appears courtesy of